It’s Dangerous to Just “Believe the Woman. Period.”
I have not changed in my opinion about the harm done to women across the globe. Indeed, I would be very surprised if it were found that not a majority of women of my generation had suffered some form of sexual harassment and/or rape. But I am also of the generation when Black men were often lynched based upon white women's lies. Though I understand and love many of you who declare "I believe the woman. Period." That has never been nor will it likely ever be my position. The history of racism in America impacts my ability to unconditionally believe allegations of rape charges by white women of Black men. The way children have been abused by adults impacts my ability to unconditionally believe the innocence of adults when it comes to charges of pedophilia. I am not saying I staunchly believe children or Black men in these cases. I am simply stating my knee-jerk perspective and how life has shaped me in this regard.
Admittedly, as I search my mind right now (and I'll need more time to reflect), in all other scenarios I tend to look for either prevailing or irrefutable evidence. When it came to Kavanaugh, I wanted a fair search for evidence. The American public did not get that because the administration hindered the investigation at every turn. The public, including myself, was denied the opportunity to have a fully vetted Supreme Court justice. Kavanaugh will forever be judged based upon his behavior at trial, the criminal support of the administration, and a very credible witness. I think what took place with Kavanaugh is not comparable to what is now going on with former VP Joe Biden. MSM, and particularly Chris Hayes' interview does not disturb me. Frankly, I am surprised it took this long. Ignoring this matter only adds fuel to the speculations.
The allegations against former VP Joe Biden by Tara Reade should be investigated. Others who say Biden touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable should offer formal complaints or let their allegations remain tried and up to this point, largely ignored in the court of public appeal. I am not of the mind that VP Biden needs to respond to every allegation. In fact, I imagine leading up to the election there will be a plethora of allegations and propaganda against him. I do want the charges to be fully investigated and a report made to the public. Even without that, I can't imagine Trump himself standing on a debate floor attacking Biden with these charges. Nonetheless, this story needs to be fully vetted (and it is very possible that it was vetted before he became POTUS Obama's choice).
What the #MeToo movement has done best is to create an atmosphere where some women feel freer to be heard than ever before. I say "some" because it is the height of our imagination to believe this is true for all women. What I would really like - and this is ideal - is to live in a nation where the criminal justice system is truly just for all people. Until that becomes reality the American public needs to create better rubrics for our public deliberations about the innocence/guilt of those who come before us in these public-trials.